Posts Tagged ‘God-dess’

Simultaneous Oneness and Difference

God-dess paradoxically indicates union of the opposite ideas of difference and non-difference leading to a higher, fuller unity. This means perfection, or the ability to encompass all extremes of experiencing reality.

Radha-Krishna, the Divine Couple (Part 1)

God-dess’ infinite forms are like parts related to the whole. Since God-dess does not have internal difference, the parts are not like pieces of stone chipped off the whole. The part is the whole, all-knowing, all-pervading being. We call it a part, because the self energy of God-dess does not fully manifest in it. The […]

Nature of the Absolute – Part 3

Vedic metaphor suggests something like this: suppose an expansion of God-dess sleeps and dreams this world. God-dess’ dream creates a “reality” that goes on for billions of human years, measures billions of light years across, and seems so solid and captivating that some believe it is all that exists. Yet it is a dream, an […]

Nature of the Absolute (cont.)

Cosmic Consciousness is higher than Undifferentiated Oneness in the hierarchy of manifestations as we understand the absolute, personal God-dess. Undifferentiated Oneness constitutes the basic reality underlying all concrete formations. Cosmic Consciousness cognizes, controls, and regulates the concrete formations. From our perspective, Cosmic Consciousness implies a differentiated, qualified state of God-dess. Cosmic Consciousness is qualified in […]

Nature of the Absolute (cont.)

God-dess, the highest being, perfectly manifests all auspicious qualities. Undifferentiated Oneness exists as the incomplete manifestation of God-dess, in which the divine attributes and potencies lie dormant. Dr. Kapoor explains: It is primordial sameness, but not a barren stillness; it is indeterminateness, but not an indeterminateness that totally denies distinctions and definiteness; it has distinctions, […]

Nature of the Absolute (cont.)

God-dess’ body and its owner are not two different principles like the difference between the body and soul of living entities in the physical world. God-dess’ body and its owner both consist of consciousness and bliss. The same eternal spiritual principle manifests God-dess’ names, attributes, activities, and abodes. God-dess is not different internally or externally. […]

Nature of the Absolute – Part 2

We are finite, and God-dess is infinite. We cannot limit the infinite with mere human thought and words. We do not want to define a God that is too small and fits neatly in our box. God-dess’ inconceivable potency transcends the law of contradiction, blending contradictory ideas and qualities within him-herself paradoxically.  Since the Absolute […]

Nature of the Absolute (cont.)

We are finite, and God-dess is infinite. We cannot limit the infinite with mere human thought and words. We do not want to define a God that is too small and fits neatly in our box. God-dess’ inconceivable potency transcends the law of contradiction, blending contradictory ideas and qualities within him-herself paradoxically. Since the Absolute […]

Nature of the Absolute – Part 1

Universalist Radha-Krishnaism offers a panentheistic theology. The personal Absolute enfolds even the formless, attributeless Absolute, which we call Undifferentiated Oneness. God-dess’ power to reconcile the irreconcilable reconciles our imperfect, contradictory ideas of qualified and unqualified Absolute in a higher synthesis.