Our View of Science
Unlike religious groups and their sects who cling to antiquated and dogmatic world views, Universalist Radha-Krishnaism offers a unifying, harmonious vision of science and spirituality. We see this world as ultimately spiritual and emanating from God-dess. Hence we favor our scientist colleagues in their pursuits that further reveal the spectacular nature of God-dess.
However, science has its limits. This is where spirituality steps in and helps. Science cannot say what caused the big bang, what happened before it, or what exists outside this universe although speculation on these subjects abounds. Nevertheless, science in no way negates the existence of God-dess pervading and sustaining the entire creation as well as transcending it. Every day, fresh scientific insights confirm the wholeness, interconnectedness, and amazing complexity of creation and its elements.
The big bang for instance calls for a divine explanation since the material manifestation had a clear beginning. The universe could not create itself. A spiritual force outside spacetime created it or transformed itself into the universe. That spiritual force is God-dess.
The anthropic principle, the scientific notion that the universe is planned and finely tuned to develop (human) life, supports the idea that humans are created in the image of God-dess to establish a loving relationship. Symbolically, the universe is God-dess’ play.
Scientific formulas alone cannot answer all questions about the origin of the universe. Belief in a creator God-dess and scientific discoveries can be harmonized. Belief in God-dess solves some questions about what came before the big bang and why the universe appears so well tuned for human existence as well as current science does.
God-dess created the universe and the laws governing it and gave humans the intellectual ability to understand its workings. Why disregard those abilities? Is God-dess threatened by discoveries about creation? The schism between science and spirituality is artificial and in today’s world, even absurd. People benefit by using their God-dess-given gifts to understand nature along with advancing consciousness and general well-being.
God-dess exists inside nature as well as outside this nature. Scientific efforts cannot prove or disprove God-dess’ existence. Similar to religious fanaticism, atheism must be a form of blind faith, since it adopts beliefs it cannot defend with pure reason. God-dess’ existence cannot be proven by religion either. It ultimately comes down to faith and understanding.
Science cannot discount the great world religions that are based on millennia of history, moral philosophy, and the strong evidence human altruism provides. If scientists can humbly admit the limits of their scope, religionists should humbly admit the limits of their beliefs too.
Throughout history, scriptures revealed the nature of God-dess to humans within the limits of their reason and vocabulary. Would it have served God-dess’ purpose thousands of years ago to talk about radioactive decay, geologic strata, and DNA?
Faith in a loving God-dess cannot be built on a foundation of untruths about nature. Scriptural authors wrote to the best of their knowledge and ability at the time. If discrepancies are found in their words, scientific and philosophical methods can be employed to understand why such things occurred. This deepens modern insight. If fundamentalists persist in presenting old stories as scientific truth in the face of new evidence to the contrary to preserve the authority of scripture, they do a disservice to scripture, science, and truth. This hurts religion more than science.
DNA evidence of the relatedness of all living things is awesome. It is the master plan of the same God-dess who created the universe and made its physical properties just right to create galaxies, stars, planets, heavy elements, and life. Generally referred to as theistic evolution, Universalist Radha-Krishnaism calls it panentheistic evolution.
Religion answers questions traditional science never intended to address, such as: How did the universe get here? What is the meaning of life? What happens after death? Devotees understand the limits of both science and religion and do not confuse their different worldviews and spheres of expertise. People need them both to live balanced lives fully conscious of themselves and their environment.
God-dess, who created the universe and communes with people through prayer, selfless love, and spiritual insight, would not expect them to deny the obvious truths science reveals to prove their love. Yet, many followers of fundamentalist sects are asked to do just that and instead believe the unbelievable. People need a rational approach to spirituality now.