As I learned it, myth builds worlds. It creates a world view that encompasses both this world and the spiritual world. It is something that springs forth from the collective unconscious or spiritual plane manifesting the archetypes or gods and goddesses in a language we can relate to. These universal truths are revealed according to […]
It’s a beautiful day in paradise. The sun is shining, a breeze is blowing, I’m listening to misia on the stereo. Life is good. I’m feeling better after a cold that lingered for two or three weeks. We’re getting ready to begin construction of a stick built kitchen and bath addition to our yurt. We’ve […]
My new web design is almost ready to publish, just going over final changes and details. I’m also working on an addittion to my home, so I have plenty to keep me busy. A really bad spring cold really slowed me down the past couple of weeks, but I’m getting better now. Summer is here […]
Regrettably, I have been spending more time lately working on learning my new MacBook, especially finding and learning a web design and development program, than on writing. The OS X is definitely a more stable platform than Windows. I did a total restore on my old XP laptop thinking I might just use it with […]
God-dess refers to the Divine Couple, Radha Krishna, Goddess and God, Energy and Energetic, the Ground of all Being, the Cause of all causes. They are made known through Sri Krishna Chaitanya and his followers, various other devotional sects, our innate knowing and wisdom, and in fact, they are the subject of the teachings of […]
Ben Reist, my reformed theology professor, said “If a little Buddha rubs off on Jesus, and a little Jesus rubs off on Buddha, so much the better for both of them.†As an eclectic universalist, I firmly believe in the cross pollination of religions as a means of coming to a higher understanding of truth. […]
In The Bhagavat, Its Philosophy, Ethics and Theology, Bhaktivinode Thakur says, “Liberty then is the principle, which we must consider as the most valuable gift of God. We must not allow ourselves to be led by those who lived and thought before us. We must think for ourselves and try to get further truths which […]
I just finished reading The God We Never Knew: Beyond Dogmatic Religion to a More Authentic Contemporary Faith by Marcus Borg. I have been impressed with his other book, Metting Jesus Again for the First Time, in which he reimagined what Jesus may have been like. In The God We Never Knew, he takes on […]
Well, I got my MacBook and am able to write again without having to deal with computer problems, although I’m still in the learning stage with this. You may wonder what I’ve been doing the past couple of months. I’ve been doing a re-examination of my faith, going back to beginner’s mind, letting go, embracing […]
Ben Reist, my Reformed Theology professor at San Francisco Theological Seminary, told the class, “If a little bit of Jesus rubs off on the Buddha, that’s good, and if a little bit of Buddha rubs off on Jesus, that’s good too.†In the liberal reformed tradition, I was a part of, my background as a […]