I made my plane reservation yesterday. I will leave for Hawaii, April 27th. I’ll set up camp on our land there and begin building a more permanent structure. This is another new beginning for me. I will be traveling very light. My plan is to re-establish my ministry there. I have been thinking of many […]
I have had a wonderful day today. The temperature got up around 70. The sun was out. I got my flute back from the shop where it was completely overhauled. I got a shipment from Vedic Resources which included [I]Bhajan Rahasya[/I] by Srila Bhaktivinoda, “The Divine Couple” by Jadurani, and “Ocean of Mercy” by jaya […]
The question is are we made in God’s image or is God made in our image? I still subscribe to the theory that this material world is a perverted reflection of the spiritual world and the things that exist here also exist in the spiritual world in their perfect transcendental nature. Of course the way […]
When I was studying Old Testament my first semester in seminary, a student asked, “After what we’ve done to the Old Testament how can I ever preach on it again?” Prof. Marv Chaney answered that it is possible to attain a second naivete in relation to the scriptures even after dissecting the Books of Moses […]
I received the following questions in response to my blog of February 11th: “How should it be modernized?” By being open to critical thinking, by dressing in a modern way, by accepting pluralism, by accepting bhakti, service, love as the basis of all religion, by replacing outmoded ideas e.g. the sun revolves around the earth […]
Geraldine and I are back in Grand Rapids. After the first week in Hilo, the winds shifted, there was less vog and I started feeling better. I feel so much better in Hawaii than I do here. Hawaii is so nurturing to human life. The struggle for survival is less intense. Here it is cold […]
Here I am sitting on the lanai in Hilo once again. It’s a beautiful morning in paradise. I finished reading Hindu Encounter with Modernity and found it most affirming of the spiritual path I have been following these many years. Shukavak N. Dasa concludes that “if Chaitanya Vaishnavism is going to have a lasting position […]
Here I am sitting on the lanai of the Wild Ginger Inn in beautiful Hilo, Hawaii http://www.wildgingerinn.com/. We arrived Tuesday, February 15th, on a three week exploratory mission to see if we want to relocate here. It’s everything we hoped to find. It didn’t take Geraldine long to decide she wants to live here permanently, […]
As above so below. Of course biologically induced visions, etc. are real. Everything we can think of or imagine is real on some level. Of course the physical state of our body and what we put in it affects our consciousness. Of course our consciousness affects our body. It is my conclusion that even if […]
In my readings, I have been coming across two systems of calculating the yugas. One is the traditional Hindu system in which Kali Yuga began about 5,000 years ago and lasts for 432.000 years. The other, put forth by Sri Yukteshwar, guru of Yogananda, claims we are in Dwapara Yuga. “According to Swami Sri Yukteswar, […]