“A householder should comfortably maintain his dependents, either with money that comes of its own accord or with that gathered by the honest execution of one’s duties. Sb. 11.17.51†(p 78) The question of right livelihood is important for one on the spiritual path. Most of us do not have enough “money that comes of […]
“Taking shelter of Krishna-nam is the ultimate practice for the real devotee.†(p 61) There are many devotional practices one may perform. Some are more effective than others. The most important for followers of Chaitanya is the chanting of Radha & Krishna’s names which are non-different from the Divine Couple themselves. One should call upon […]
After explaining the futility of false renunciation, Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur says, “Alternatively, if they place the Lord in the centre of their life while caring for body and house, while eating and sleeping, they then gradually increase their devotion to the Lord through their devotional practice. Finally and definitely, prema (pure love) will be achieved.†[…]
Very good relations exist among the various cannabis ministries here. We went to The 1st Sunday Reggae Church in Glenwood. It’s organized by Jesse Dawn and his band Jah Kine. He gave out free copies of their new CD, “Jah Kine Uprising.†There was another band there too. Not many people were in the audience […]
“A fully surrendered devotee always hopes that Lord Krishna will be kind to him. This hope is very firm in him. Eagerness is chiefly characterized by an ardent desire to associate with the Lord.†(p 58) This is one of the key elements of my faith—the constant hope that although I am unworthy and fallen, […]
“The original inhabitants of Vrindaban are attached to Krishna spontaneously in devotional service. Nothing can compare to such spontaneous devotional service, which is called ragatmika-bhakti. When a devotee follows in the footsteps of the devotees of Vrindaban, his devotional service is called raganuga-bhakti.†(p 53) Following in the footsteps of the devotees of Vrindaban by […]
“All of Me, namely my actual eternal form and My transcendental existence, color, qualities and activities—let all be awakened within you by factual realization, out of My causeless mercy.†Sb. 2.9.31 (p 44) This is really the only way to attain God realization—through God’s causeless mercy. God’s mercy is given through the guru, through the […]
I have been using cannabis spiritually since 1965. I really believe that it is one of the great sacred plants given humanity by God to help us become God conscious. Back in the 60s, Allen Ginsburgh taught us to chant Om Shiva Shankara Hara Hara Ganja before smoking for protection and a better high. High […]
Last week, a neighbor recommended I speak to Roger Christie, Cannabis Sacrament Minister and Counselor with The Hawai’i Cannabis Ministry. I looked him up on the web and read his site quite thoroughly. I was impressed. He seemed like a very sincere, intelligent, dedicated crusader for freedom of religion. He has done remarkably well in […]
My initiator guru, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami said there was no need for ekadas-bhav initation in which one is given a spiritual identity by a guru, one would realise one’s own spiritual identity in due time. Gauranga Das Babaji advised me to never leave Vrindaban because everyone there was engaged in meditating on Radha Krishna and […]