Today, I began the work of moving my office. After a year at Coopers Landing, I am moving to The Healing Gardens. Coopers Landing is a very nice, well equipped office building where I have an office with wood paneling, a receptionist, waiting room and other amenities. I have good relationships with the receptionists and other staff there, but I do not feel connected to the other tenants except for my accountant and the daughter of some friends who works there.
I hardly know the two women who started The Healing Gardens, but I feel a camaraderie that I do not feel at Coopers Landing. Lois and Patti do massage, Reiki and herbs. We feel that working together with our complimentary disciplines we can better serve our clients and help each other’s practices grow.
So, I am paying more money for a smaller office. I believe working with like minded persons in community is worth it. How can one put a price on relationships?